How to prepare your home for painting

Painting your home can be a great way to improve its appearance and increase its value. However, there are a few things you should do before you start painting in order to make the process go more smoothly. Here are our tips to help you get ready for painting your home. At SB Decorations, we have a great team of painters and decorators in Cambridge.

Sand down any rough or peeling paint

Before painting, it’s important to sand down any rough or peeling paint. This will help the new paint to adhere better to the surface and will make the finished product look smoother. Make sure to use fine-grit sandpaper for this task, and be sure to wear a dust mask while you’re working.

Clean the surface with a degreaser

Before painting, it’s important to clean the surface with a degreaser. This will remove any grease or dirt that may be on the walls and will help the new paint to adhere better. There are a number of different degreasers available on the market, so be sure to choose one that is specifically designed for painted surfaces. Apply the degreaser to a clean cloth and wipe down the walls. Be sure to pay special attention to any areas that are particularly dirty or greasy.

Cover anything you don’t want to get paint on (e.g., furniture, carpet)

If you don’t want to get paint on your furniture or carpet, be sure to cover them up before you start painting. You can use plastic sheeting or painter’s tape to do this. Make sure to secure the sheeting or tape well so that it doesn’t peel off when you’re painting. As well as this, some people keep old bedding as ‘dust sheets’ to cover up their furniture and carpets from paint.

Tape off any areas that need protection

Tape off any areas that need protection before you start painting. This will help to keep the paint from getting on any surfaces that you don’t want it to touch. Be sure to use painter’s tape, as it is designed specifically for this purpose. Carefully tape off any areas that need to be protected, making sure that the tape is securely in place.

Prime the surface if needed

If the surface you are painting is particularly rough or peeling, it may be necessary to prime it before you start painting. A primer will help to fill in any gaps or cracks in the surface and will provide a smoother surface for the paint to adhere to. Be sure to read the instructions on the primer bottle carefully, as each brand may be used differently.

Choose your paint type and colours

When choosing your paint type and colours, it is important to consider the surface you are painting. If the surface is particularly rough or peeling, you may need to use a primer or a different type of paint. As well as this, it is important to choose colours that will look good on the surface you are painting. You may want to consult with a professional painter or decorator to help you choose the right colours for your home.


Painting your home can be a great way to improve its appearance and increase its value. However, there are a few things you should do before you start painting in order to make the process go more smoothly. Here are our tips to help you get ready for painting your home. Contact SB Decorations for domestic and commercial painters in Cambridge. We also offer exterior painting for homes and businesses across the city.

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